When you cannot compete on price, you must compete in quality and customer service.
Translation is part of customer service, as translation builds trust.
E-commerce sites adapted to the language and culture of their customers (that is, they are localized), build more trust within their customers and increase their sales.
I provide you with a cultural and content audit before your e-commerce site localization.
I do this so that your products reach your customers before adding them to the shopping cart.
This includes terms of service, payment methods and returns policies, and any other information pertinent to the customer.
Creating a seamless customer experience means having all the information in the customer’s language.
Customers can trust that their information is secure and can get the help they need if they have any questions or concerns.
I ensure that every information in your e-commerce store is translated into your customers’ language.
This way, they will have access to the same level of information regardless of their native language and be able to trust your brand.
Your key staple for e-commerce translation:
Remember the small print!
Product descriptions and the shopping cart aren’t the only items in an e-commerce store that need a translation.
Any information that can help sort out customer issues and prevent product returns must be in your customers’ language.